What is reaming, and what are the main factors to consider? Here are the things you need to know to succeed.
Reaming is a type of drilling operation involving the fine-finishing of hole surfaces. Here, a reamer drills in an existing hole which acts to increase the hole diameter by a few tenths of a millimetre. This gives the hole a flawless surface with the exact required diameter.
Reamers are the perfect tool to achieve consistently high quality, especially when it comes to high-precision holes with a small diameter. Since the hole diameter depends almost entirely on the tool diameter, the application has the highest standards in terms of tool precision. Typical problems encountered during drilling operations, such as chip breaking and removal, are not an issue with reaming.
ZCC Cutting Tools offers a wide assortment of solid carbide reamers for H7 hole tolerances that allow you to optimise your processes. Do you need help with your reaming applications? Then contact us. We’re there to help.