Consumer Electronics Through the Ages
Since the early days of the 21st century, consumer electronics, driven by the new opportunities made possible by high-speed Internet, have set new standards. Technical innovations such as the smartphone, ultra-light laptops, high-performance consoles, or Internet-ready flat-screen TVs paved the way for a networked, digital age. Because of the constant innovation taking place in the consumer electronics space, industrial production equipment is constantly being put to the test with new challenges. Mobile consumer electronics devices are becoming lighter and more powerful, while circuit boards and other electronic components are growing more compact and delicate.
There are many challenges specific to the machining operations carried out in the production of printed circuit boards, or PCBs. The main challenges include the small size of the parts, the compact tools needed to machine them, and the strict tolerances that are often demanded. Machining PCBs is difficult and presents a number of challenges. ZCC-CT is your partner of choice when it comes to cutting tools for machining components used in consumer electronics. Tools like the CP-EM series of solid carbide milling cutters and the SU series of solid carbide drills make it possible to machine highly delicate components.