Applications / Turning / Parting Off and Grooving

Key information on parting off and grooving

There are a variety of machining strategies used in the metal working industry to produce top-quality components. Parting off and grooving come with their own set of challenges. Contact us to find out more about related applications and the associated requirements.

What are parting off and grooving, and what are the main factors to consider? Here are the things you need to know to succeed.

Parting off and grooving are key steps in the manufacture of high-quality components. The process can be broken down into several sub-steps, including parting off, grooving, and turning. As with general turning operations, the rotation of the workpiece generates the cutting motion. The tool movement (fn) is in the radial and axial feed direction. Controlled chip removal, protrusion-free parting off, and tool breakage are some of the many challenges associated with this manufacturing process.

Process stability and reliability are particularly important during parting off, as this is the final machining operation in the cutting process. It is critical to choose the right inserts and manufacturing strategy to achieve the desired results. ZCC Cutting Tools helps you develop a tooling solution and machining strategy that meets your specific needs. Do you need help with grooving and parting off applications? Contact us – we’re here to help.

Recommended Tools

Parting Off and Grooving Inserts

You face several challenges in Parting & Grooving, you need to maximize your productivity. These include achieving reliable chip removal, consistent tool life, and short machining times. We present selected turning inserts that offer real benefits for your company and production unit.

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Parting Off and Grooving Tool Holders

Our tool holders enhance the efficiency of your production operations while maintaining high standards of component quality. We offer a range of tool holders suitable for any machining operation, from general turning to grooving and parting off.

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