What is deep hole drilling, and what are the main factors to consider? Here are the things you need to know to succeed.
Deep hole drilling is commonly referred to the most technical challenging drilling application by machining specialists – and for good reason. To begin with, it is important to know what a deep hole is. It is defined as a hole whose depth is more than ten times greater than its diameter. The drills frequently have a length of 30xD or more.
The application presents a number of challenges for the machine, its operator and the tool itself. Having the right coolant pressure and drilling strategy are just as important to a reliable drilling process as having the right special tool. Chip jamming and off-centre holes are two of the most common issues associated with deep hole drilling. Pilot drills with special point angles, high-gloss polished chip spaces and ultra-modern top coatings are available to overcome these issues. They represent the state-of-the-art in solid carbide deep hole drills and are designed to make work easier.
ZCC Cutting Tools offers solid carbide drills for deep holes that allow you to develop reliable production processes and find the right machining strategy. Do you need help with your deep hole drilling applications? Then contact us. We’re there to help.